Monday, November 08, 2010

New HDR Processed Images

Hot Sam's is an antique/collectible business located in Lakeville. It's a conglomeration of several buildings and a large outdoor area which more closely resemble a junk yard than an antique shop. Old cars, tools, broken down equipment, and novelty items are artfully arranged in a non-arranged, chaotic, and provocative manner. It's a shooting haven for photographers...maybe even for antique collectors. I ran into a group of photographers from TCPG as well as another photography student from MCAD. The shooting possibilities are beyond infinite. These few represent a small scratch of the surface of what is there to shoot and enjoy.

This project enabled me to apply three of the major HDR processors to the images to see how well they worked with these images. I've had some processing issues with Nik HDR Efex...sometimes it has taken up to 15 minutes for 5 images to process through the software. After running Disk Utility, the processing time miraculously dropped to 3-4 minutes, pretty much the equivalent of Photomatix. For these particular images, the more radical pre-sets and their variety in Nik HDR Efex work the best. I'm not as convinced when it comes to processing more realistic architectural images. CS5 Merge to HDR Pro is good but definitely limited in latitude and options.

Be sure to click on each image to enlarge it.

Five image set, 1 stop apart, processed through HDR Efex, using the Granny's Attic preset with modifications.

Five image set, 1 stop apart, processed through Nik HDR Efex.

Five image set, 1 stop apart, processed through Nik HDR Efex, using the Vivid pre-set.

Three image set, 2 stops apart (AEB), processed in Photomatix 4.0.

Three image set, 2 stop apart (AEB), processed in Photomatix 4.0 using modified Enhancer pre-set.

Three image set, 2 stops apart (AEB), processed through CS5 Merge to HDR Pro using the Saturated pre-set with some modification.

Five image set, 1 stop apart, processed through Nik HDR Efex. Tweaked further in Nik Color Efex.

For more information,

  • 4445 W. 77th St. #130
    Edina, MN 55435
    952-844-0119 c952-905-1197

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