Monday, January 17, 2011

Denver Area Featured Images/Red Lobster

I spent the week before last in the Denver area shooting pictures for Darden Restaurants, owners of over 1,000 Red Lobster restaurants. Their restaurants are undergoing a total make-over with a splashy, upscale design, inside and out.

Be sure to click on the images to enlarge them.

The first two showcase images were taken in Aurora, CO.

The following images were taken in Littleton, CO. This is one of the Red Lobster's largest restaurants.

The following images are from Longmont, CO, near Boulder.

One of the products I'm using with greater frequency is a panoramic with motion. This is technically a video although it is composed of three or more images stitched together and then rendered as a "movie." I use Realviz Stitcher for the panoramic stitching and Pano2VR to create the motion effect. Click on each link below to see the panoramic (allow the video to render a moment so it's absolutely clear).

  • Littleton Panoramic-15 with Motion

  • Littleton Panoramic-25 with Motion

  • Longmont Panoramic with Motion

  • HDR. Almost all of the images created for this project were shot and processed using HDR (High Dynamic Range photography). The exteriors were processed using Photomatix Pro (primarily some form of Fusion) and the interiors were processed using Nik HDR Efex Pro (primarily using Realistic Strong). Further processing in Nik Color Efex Pro and Nik Dfine as well as sharpening was used in almost all of the images.

    The following is an example showing 6 original images shot at 1-stop increments and the final image after all 6 were processed as HDR.

    Comments from an international HDR user group:
    "Great work. Most of them look like they were challenging to shoot, well done."

    "Your shots are a great example of using HDR to overcome limitations of our
    equipment in managing dynamics and detail resolution. Great results, had to browse much further!
    And thanks for sharing the software you use. That panorama to VR is clever, especially in architecture display work."

    "Beautifully photographed and rendered, Steve. Great work. I am sure Red Lobster is very happy with your work."

    "Wow, really well done!!"

    "Very effective in every way. The client should be really pleased with these. It inspired me to look here in the UK for any opportunities. Great set of images and perfect processing. Thanks for sharing."

    For more information,

  • 4445 W. 77th St. #130
    Edina, MN 55435
    952-844-0119 c952-905-1197

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